Sunday, January 30, 2011


As many of you know I am a HUGE fan of Starbucks. I am one of those people that always wants to be sipping on something, and it doesn't hurt that my closest Starbucks is just an elevator ride away during the week.

Yes, it is true I am a Gold Card Member. It is also true that all 14 baristas lovingly call me Ginger. Do I spend a lot of time and money there? Yes. Is it worth the free syrups, tea refills, and having friends behind the coffee bar that are excited to see me? YES!!

This brings me to the reason for this post. I have now had to hear many family members and friends share a story of bigger cup happiness. The TRENTA!!! Here in Colorado I must wait until May 3rd to partake, but it is just in time for a summer filled with Trentas. Many non-addicts feel that an additional 7 ounces for $0.50 more is unnecessary. For true 'Bucks Addicts' 7 more ounces for a mere $0.50 is worth every penny! For all those soda lovers, think of your world without the Big Gulp, impossible! Now we tea and coffee lovers can join in on the American dream of bigger and better refreshments! Thank you Starbucks for making this possible! (I am starting a countdown.........93 days)

1 comment:

  1. I just had a half of cup of coffee and I am moving so quickly. I have no idea if I would be alive after a Trenta. Sounds fun though!
